Today the girls are one month old. Yippie!!!
Let's see, they have a dr appt on Wed of this week. I'll make sure to tell everyone how much they weigh after that appt. Maybe Kaitlyn will finally be on the chart. Not sure though. Obviously she's gained weight, but she's probably still pretty small for the average one month old.
As for the sleeping, they're doing great. Not sure if it's because we moved them into their nursery and out of our room on Sunday night or if it's just because they're getting older. Maybe a combination of both...but...on Monday and Tuesday night as I reported, they slept for 5 1/2 hours. Then, on Wed, it was 5 hours 15 minutes, still very respectable. Are you ready for it? On Thursday, we got a record 7 1/2 hours!!!! Friday night, we relapsed a bit and went back to 4 1/2 hours. I was partially prepared for that because Nicole didn't eat as much as normal in her bedtime feeding, and then on top of that, she had a pretty big spit up. Probably not enough in her belly to carry her through. However, last night (Saturday), we went back to 7 hours!!!! YEAH!!! Go Girls! Let's hope this trend continues and these aren't freak experiences.
I'll put some pictures up in a day or two. I just need to upload them from the camera.