Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 23, 2009

More Hilton Head...Greg Russell

So, we went to Greg Russell Thursday night (despite Mike's protest). He just doesn't get it...this is a Hilton Head must...and a tradition to me. He'll get with the program by next year (and the girls will be at an even better age).

Who is Greg Russell you might wonder? He's this guy who has been singing under the big oak tree in Harbor Town for probably 30 years now. His show is geared toward the kids, but he has enough to keep the adults chuckling too. And he always asks now how many of the adults out there in the crowd used to come as kids themselves and now bring their children, so those adults "get it" and would come no matter what. I, of course, can raise my hand. :-) At some point during his program (which has unfortunately become kind of an advertisement for used to be much less commercial), he invites kids to come up and sing with him. It's really something special, and the kids love it.

Anyway, so off we went to Harbor Town. I wanted our kids to sit down on the stage with all the other kids but figured we might be a bit too young for that. Nonetheless, we tried. I stayed down on the fringe of the stage thinking that would help. And they stayed there for a few minutes, and then they started to wander. See photos below.

And now we're wandering....

Do you see right below where Greg Russell has put his guitar down to read some of the signs that the kids make? Well, Kaitlyn wandered RIGHT UP THERE...we thought she was going to touch his amps, etc. What were we supposed to do? AH!!! Luckily, she just looked and turned back around.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy birthday!

my panda fanatic roommate got a cute Morn Creations bag as birthday gift!
she is just THRILLED with it.