Today is our two year anniversary. Yeah!!!! So, we've been hitched for a full two years now and will have only a few more days/weeks as a married couple. Beyond that, we're a "family." Wow, that's going to be a change. I don't know that parenthood has really set in yet. A lot is going to change and I guess you just have to experience it to know what it's all about.
In other news, Mike just left the house for his first day of work. Yeah again!!!! I made him a bagel, gave him a coke and sent him on his way to Buckhead. Let's hope he survives Atlanta traffic. Thank goodness it's summer at least. I think he'll find it a bit easier through late August.
Follow up ultrasound on Wed and then straight across the street to see my regular doctor and report those findings. Let's hope Baby A is doing better. I spent a lot of time laying down this weekend (BORING), so let's hope we see some results. If not, I bet they'll even move the c-section forward. Who knows though? Northside's rule on the NICU is 36 weeks, which I'll hit on June 16th. So, even if they see a problem on the 13th, I'm going to ask them if there would be any harm in waiting until I was a full 36 weeks just to help them avoid the NICU. One thing I don't see any way around though is the car seat test. I went back and checked my notes from one of the baby classes we took. They have to be 5lbs 8oz. If not, they have to pass three tests while sitting in a car seat to make sure it's safe to transport them home. Baby A definitley won't be 5-8, so even if she's in perfect health and her lungs, etc are working, there's a chance they wouldn't let us take her home if she can't do well in a car seat. Keep your fingers crossed because we definitely will be crossing that bridge.
Nolan was under 5 lbs when he came home without a car seat test. He was also under 36 weeks and didn't go to the NICU.
The car seat test is required of all babies to leave the NICU - even 12 1/2 lb Caleb was in line for the carseat test.
Huh, that's not what we've been told about the car seat. Strange. I guess we'll see what happens when we get there.
I do have an answer on the 35 week NICU thing though. When we took our tour, they told us that 36 weeks was a new rule. The prior rule was 35 weeks and it was just chaning to 36 weeks around the time we took the tour. So, Nolan probably lucked out under the old rule. They said the reason they increased the gestation age was that they were finding that most (almost 75% if I remember what she said correctly) babies born under 36 weeks were being admitted to the NICU anyway, if even for brief checkups. So, they just figured that it would be better to make 36 weeks the rule.
Don't know why the car seat test wasn't performed for Nolan. Lucky you. Obviously it sounds like he would have passed anyway since you got him home safely. Yeah! :-)
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